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I think that Thom's theory holds a lot of water and I consider myself to be a hunter although I have never been diagnosed with ADHD, but I can't stop thinking (hunting) for a more complete picture. My mind stubbornly returns to a period of time wherein a process may have occurred that bridges the gap between hunting/gathering and agriculture.

For a lack of a better word I use the descriptor, horticulture. I use horticulture to describe the process and time period that bridges the gap between hunting/gathering and agriculture. The "horticultural era" may have lasted many thousands of years and may also include the earliest efforts of domestication.

Those who gathered foods likely put considerable effort into the cultivation of favorites and inhibiting the growth of less desirable competing species. Many species of animals do the same although we don't really know if that process is conscious and deliberate or not.

Last night I watched a PBS program on grasslands that detailed how certain species affect ecosystems. Restoration of ecosystems required reintroduction of key species that created a chain of processes that facilitated biodiversity while inhibiting dominating species (often non-native) from over-consumption and eco-destruction. The tragic irony that modern science was only now beginning to comprehend what indigenous wisdom had long known was inescapable.

As a dog lover and a contemplative I have spent far too many hours imagining the process of early canine domestication. Wolves can be a competitive species for a hunter, but also a useful ally. Did we humans watch and learn from the wolves about effective hunting tactics? Did the wolves learn from us? How many generations were involved in the formation of cooperative strategies? Did we share (not always willingly) the bounty of our kills? Oh yes, many species share in the bounty of kills as those who love nature programs know.

Perhaps I'm going too far, but I've often said that it may be no mere coincidence that a wave of the hand and a wag of the tail are such similar gestures and convey such similar sentiment. I am not afraid and am happy to see you and be seen by you.

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