Only 4% of the US population works and labors outside. I was shocked when I first heard that durning a PBS production, America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston, S2 E6 "Maine; Embrace the Cold". It didn't take me more than a few moments to understand the profound implications and to feel a sense of tragic loss. To cope with the grief, I write to you.

The cognitive lens of hunters in a farmers world appeared clear and defined until my focus shifted, to an outdoors versus indoors paradigm where a new dimension came into view and that view covered an immense span of time. Hunting and farming were concurrent for centuries, nay, millennium. Even today we find the the hunting community is closely tied with the farming/ranching communities. There aren't many urbanites that hunt or farm. Perhaps this is also why gun ownership has such strong ties with rural life.

Farm your food and hunt your food. That is a natural way, or at least it was. Today, more than 90% of the population works indoors spending nearly 40 hours every week working to feed their needs and commercially induced desires. It's no wonder that the natural environment is becoming so toxic and degraded as we become increasingly disconnected from it.

The industrial revolution ushered in the advent of ADHD. It is the transition from life primarily lived within nature (lots of time outdoors) to a life primarily lived sheltered from nature (indoors) that has birthed the misperception now known as ADHD. Pre-industrial society consisted of the great majority of the populace working outdoors. Today, most of us live most of the time inside our boxes.

Me, I like to be outside of the boxes during the day...and thinking outside of the boxes as often as possible.

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The distinction between a hunter in a farmers world or a hunter-farmer in an industrial world is a rather sophomoric distinction failing to appreciate the full spectrum and the time frames involved. Perhaps it would be useful to remember the L-curve, the hockey-stick curve that coincides with population growth, the consumption of fossil fuels and the transition from agrarian/rural to industrial/urban.

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