The hardest thing for me to do is to concentrate on someone’s words in a busy setting because I listen to and notice everything around me. As a result I often miss what they’re saying...
During Covid when it became common on TV to interview people in there own homes, I missed what they were saying because I was trying to see the books on their shelves behind them or guess if they were in their attics or basements according to the furniture or pictures on the walls. I can be distracted from the news by a reporter's unusual necktie or jewelry. On television with TIVO, I can rewind. In person, simply saying "Pardon?" is sufficient for the person to repeat or rephrase.
During Covid when it became common on TV to interview people in there own homes, I missed what they were saying because I was trying to see the books on their shelves behind them or guess if they were in their attics or basements according to the furniture or pictures on the walls. I can be distracted from the news by a reporter's unusual necktie or jewelry. On television with TIVO, I can rewind. In person, simply saying "Pardon?" is sufficient for the person to repeat or rephrase.