ADHD: Get in the Habit of “Double-Checking”
Do you often end up losing or losing track of things?

Between the impulsive nature of most ADHD Hunters and our tendency to misunderstood time, we often end up losing or losing track of things. One fellow who shared his story with me for this newsletter found a solution.
Dave in Boston has developed a useful habit:
1 used to lose things constantly. Car keys, wallet, money clip, pens, business cards—you name it, I’ve probably lost it at least once.
Then one time I was in Dallas with a guy from my company to attend a trade show, and we were sharing a hotel room. As we headed out of the room to go downstairs for breakfast, he stopped by the door and patted his shirt pocket, his front right pants pocket, and his back right pants pocket.
“What’re you doing?” I asked him. It looked like he was preparing to do a dance.
“Double-checking,” he said. “Whenever I go through a door, that’s my signal to double-check.”
“For what?”
He patted his shirt pocket. “My digital room key, business cards, show badge, and pen.” He patted his front pants pocket. “My cash.” And his back pocket: “My wallet.”
“You always do this?” I said.
“1 have since I was a little boy,” he said. “My mother used to make me do it every day before I left for school, and the habit stuck.”
So I thought that was a pretty good idea, and started doing it myself. And now I rarely lose anything!
Actually a process used in healthcare.